2 $24 Challenge

Watching the volatility in the stock market is hard for me along with everyone else. In 2008, I felt helpless in a lot of ways as my clients and I lost thousands of dollars. I worry too. Over the last two weeks it has been hard to stay calm and not get caught up in the what if’s. Friday night got me. After eight days of listening and looking for ways to protect money I decided to watch the nightly news which pumped me with more fear.
Thankfully I had plans that evening to help pack meals for Feed My Starving Children.
Did you know that 6,200 children die each day globally from malnutrition? – (World Health Organization)
After 1 hour 30 minutes of packing meals with 99 other people, we packed nearly 35,000 meals at a cost of 24 cents per meal.
I don’t want to minimize that it takes a lot of money to live in the United States as a retiree or send your child to college, but I have never witnessed a child starve to death.
I am issuing you a challenge - spend 2 hours and $24 (the cost of a cheap meal for my wife and me) on a worthy cause or helping someone in need every time you feel overwhelmed by how you are going to survive while being quarantined.
Live grateful and generous lives