Investment partner commandments

It is one thing to say that we are committed to serving you in the best and most thorough manner. But what exactly does that entail? We thought we would spell it out in more detail. Here are the duties we plan to uphold.

  1. Develop a thorough understanding of your risk tolerance and specific goals.
  2. Define a customized and sustainable spending policy.
  3. Implement a customized asset allocation strategy designed around your specific needs.
  4. Provide ongoing monitoring and evaluation of all portfolio holdings, insurance policies, estate planning documents and other applicable pieces of your financial plan.
  5. Review your portfolio on a monthly or quarterly basis.
  6. Refer you to knowledgeable professionals in the tax accounting, insurance, estate planning and/or legal fields.
  7. Return all your phone calls or emails by the close of business each day or the following business morning.
  8. Meet annually to review your portfolio, estate plan, and discuss specific changes in your life.
  9. Be a calming influence to you and help avoid emotional mistakes that can interfere with long-term investment success.
  10. If your expectations are met, we hope you will introduce us to your family, friends and loved ones so we may have the opportunity to help them as well.

Asset allocation does not guarantee a profit nor protect against loss.

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
Warren Buffett