We offer a team approach to financial planning, offering you a broader scope of expertise than you will likely find in any one person. Clients are our main priority, which is why we work to understand your unique circumstances and ultimately create a distinctive plan that provides a roadmap for your financial journey.

Welcome to Our Office

Seidel Financial, Inc. sign

Seidel Financial, Inc. office

  • We believe in earning people’s trust and confidence in order to build lasting relationships.
  • We believe people do business with people – not company names.
  • We believe the purpose of listening to customers is to better understand them – not to give them a quick reply.
  • We believe most customers are given away due to lack of service, rather than taken away by competitive prices.
  • We believe a person’s word and handshake are more binding than any legal contract.
  • We believe in confidentiality.
  • We believe success is dependent upon hard work, integrity, competency and the ability to never compromise the principles that guide one's way of life.

These beliefs serve as the foundation of our mission: 

To work hard in building personal relationships, understanding our customers' needs and providing a level of service that enhances the life and legacy of our customers.