More and more women are taking greater control of their financial futures – and we are proud to play an important role in guiding and advising them.

Losing a spouse, whether through death or divorce, can have major financial implications – and they come precisely at a time of great emotional stress. You may be afraid of outliving your savings or not having sufficient income each month to maintain your lifestyle. To add to the feelings of uncertainty, you may be managing your financial affairs on your own for the first time. There are also many decisions to be made regarding issues such as life insurance proceeds, Social Security and the dividing or retitling of financial assets and accounts.

We are here to help you address and resolve these and all issues and concerns you may have, and to sit down with you to create a clear financial plan for moving forward with your life as an independent woman.

There is no assurance that any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of capital.