Mission Statement

Building portfolios isn’t the most important thing we do - Building relationships is

How Our Process Can Help You Reach Your Goals

  • How does turmoil in the market affect your portfolio and your long term goals?
  • Do you have a comprehensive plan for your financial life?
  • Are you seeking simplicity in an increasingly complex world?
  • Are you concerned you might not have enough income to last through retirement?

Many find that having an advisor who partners with them can provide financial confidence by clarifying economic complexity, navigating through turbulent markets, and providing a buffer between them and changing times. We view market fads and next big things with a suspicious eye. And have always believed that managing your hard-earned money doesn’t mean you have to unnecessarily risk it. That’s why we are resolutely grounded in our core tenets of conservative management and prudent growth - principles that help us lay a foundation for a strong, stable financial plan. As a matter of practice, we will analyze hundreds of products before choosing just the right ones for our clients. We take the painstaking steps necessary to help avoid financial edges altogether. And when we say painstaking, we’re referring to our carefully considered, rigorously disciplined financial planning process. One that involves a whole lot of dotted i’s and crossed t’s—as cliché as that may sound. Coincidentally, that’s the same long-term view every Raymond James advisor employs when building financial plans. With unflinching client focus and a culture that provides the freedom to offer objective, unbiased advice, we will meticulously craft a plan based on your individual goals and needs. Whether that’s planning for retirement, a future education or passing along family assets.

How Our Process Can Help You Prevent Making Mistakes with Your Wealth

Our emphasis is focused on personal client service combined with long-term investment planning. We focus on understanding personal goals – were our clients want to go in life and what they want to achieve. You can take advantage of a process that helps you put together a strategic and defined approach to your financial world, working with an experienced advisor who coordinates with your CPA, attorneys and other advisors.

Discover how Parsons Broach Financial Services’ personalized, independent approach helps our clients.

We’ve spent a combined 46 years providing financial planning and investment management services designed to help people reach lifelong goals. Our team offers a wide range of services, from portfolio consultation to retirement income planning, designed to help you build a solid financial foundation – one strong enough to take you as far as you want to go and to and achieve a Life Well Lived.

We strive to help our clients:

  • Simplify their financial lives and achieve their goals.
  • Generate the necessary income to sustain the lifestyle they desire now and in retirement.
  • Build a legacy for the one they love and the things they care about.


There is no assurance that any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk and investors may incur a profit or a loss. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against a loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Please note, changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time and could substantially impact your situation. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.