An Investment Philosophy based on sound principles

We provide a wide array of investment solutions for your portfolio including managed discretionary and non-discretionary accounts utilizing exchange traded funds, mutual funds, structured investments and individual equities along with fixed income investments, annuities, alternative investments and life and long term care insurance.

Our preferred core strategy utilizes five different discretionary asset allocation investment models tailored for different risk tolerances ranging from conservative to aggressive investors.  We follow the firm’s asset allocation guidelines for each model and implement using select exchange traded funds and mutual funds. We favor using exchange traded funds for their cost effectiveness, intraday trading capability and tax efficiency.

Most importantly, we use a disciplined rebalancing process to attempt to take advantage of the market’s ups and downs that may occur which has the potential to lead to better returns and reduced risk.   Ongoing communication and transparency are provided to our clients to ensure the portfolio remains consistent with your objectives and goals.

There is no assurance any investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of capital. Alternative investments involve specific risks that may be greater than those associated with traditional investments and may be offered only to clients who meet specific suitability requirements, including minimum net worth tests. The process of rebalancing may result in tax consequences.