Jennifer Napper holds two important professional designations, CFP® and CDFA®, indicative of her commitment to enhance her knowledge in order to best serve her clients. Here is a brief explanation of each.

CFP®Certified Financial Planner professional

Most people think that all financial planners are “certified,” but this isn’t true. Anyone can call himself or herself a “financial planner.” Only those who have fulfilled the certification and renewal requirements of CFP Board can display the CFP® certification marks.

Individuals certified by CFP Board have taken the extra step to demonstrate their professionalism by voluntarily submitting to the rigorous CFP® certification process that includes demanding education, examination, experience and ethical requirements.

CDFA® - Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®

Getting your affairs in order during a divorce is made easier with the help of a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®). This certification emphasizes the analyst’s ability to aid you in financial decisions and work with you and your attorney toward a settlement that fully addresses your long-term needs.

Using proprietary software and specialized knowledge, CDFA® professionals can help determine the short- and long-term financial impact of a settlement. They are able to create, analyze and forecast various scenarios to outline a fair settlement that will help protect your interests and potentially keep costs low and reduce the time it takes to work through a divorce.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner,  CFP Logo Flame Design and  CFP Logo Plaque Design in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.

Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® and CDFA® are trademarks of the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts™ in the U.S. and/or other countries. The designation of Certified Divorce Financial Analysts™ is awarded by The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA) to individuals who successfully complete the training and test requirements set by IDFA. IDFA is the premier national organization dedicated to the certification, education and promotion of the use of financial professionals in the divorce arena. CDFAs are not attorneys and cannot give out legal advice.