Guidance for the big picture and finer details
Navigating Your Financial Life SM A Personalized Guide for Your Journey
Who is onboard?
To start, we look at who will be with you on your journey as either co-travelers or as guides and advisors.
Where are you now?
This step looks at where you are at this moment in time. Of course, part of that is assessing the assets and liabilities you currently have. Perhaps more important though are answers to questions like How did you get to this point? What is the decision process you have employed? What mistakes have you made? Where do you think you have done well? Are you happy with your current situation and your results? And more. These life experiences make up who you are.
Where do you want to go?
Now we are looking toward the future. Part of the process may be sorting out prior decisions and getting in position to move forward. However, in this step, we want to spend a good deal of time envisioning a future that inspires you.
How do you get to the destination?
Remember, the destination is where you are heading but it is important to enjoy the journey. A financial life is made up of many seemingly small actions performed over what are often extraordinarily-long time horizons. This step is a map to get you there.
Get underway!
The best plans don’t make a voyage. Begin taking coordinated action toward your future.
Check the GPS regularly.
Really, there are two parts to this. First, we want to revisit your goals and make sure we are still heading toward a destination that has meaning to you. Priorities shift over time and your plan still needs to have enough flexibility to handle these changes. Secondly, since most goals will stay with you for the duration, it is important to periodically review progress and revisit the course you are pursuing.
We realize the importance of investing time upfront to listening and getting to know you – building a good understanding of your personal goals, current financial situation, investment experience and risk tolerance. It’s also an opportunity to build trust and rapport, make you aware of our capabilities and explain the ways we can help you meet your objectives.
Next, we will analyze what you’ve shared with us in order to design your comprehensive financial plan, taking into account the different pieces of your financial picture and make sure they cohesively fit together without any gaps or disparities. This step may include collaborating with your other professional advisors such as your accountant and lawyer. We present our recommendations to you, answer your questions, consider alternatives and outline the steps we need to take to implement your plan.
With your approval, we will execute your customized strategy using the extensive research and resources available to us. This involves the selection of specific account types, investment products and optional services, and the handling of all necessary paperwork.
Once your plan is implemented, we will review the progress of your plan relative to your defined objectives and suggest any changes where needed. We accomplish this by providing ongoing reporting of your account activity and by conducting periodic reviews. We purposely maintain a close connection with you, so we are in step with your life and aware of any changes in your life that may warrant a revision to your plan.