Daughter. Wife. Mother. Friend. From finances to family matters, Maria knows the challenges women face because she’s faced them, too.
Raising kids. Caring for elderly parents. Building a career. Running a business – and sometimes feeling like you’re juggling multiple balls while riding a unicycle with your hair on fire.
No matter who you are – medical professional, educator, attorney, executive, solo entrepreneur or stay-at-home Mom – Maria “gets” it.
No matter what your marital status – single, married, separated, widowed or divorced – Maria can help you navigate situations like:
* Handling the financial repercussions of a marriage, separation or divorce
* Managing your money after the death of a spouse
* Paying for private school or college educations for dependent children
* Advocating for aging parents, as they face health challenges or transition to assisted living
* Finalizing your own estate plan and documents (will, trust, power of attorney)
Because Maria is a strategic thinker, she can guide you through life’s most stressful moments. Maria will follow a fiduciary standard throughout the financial planning engagement. As such, she will place your interests ahead of our own.
But Maria’s also a warm, caring person. She is someone with whom you can share your hopes and goals, as well as your concerns. So go ahead. Dream big. Work hard. And put Maria’s wealth of experience to work for you.
Click here to contact Maria
Raymond James and its advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.