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Financial Travelers Guidepost

Put down your smartphone, turn off the TV and change into something comfortable. It's time to sit back, relax, and lose yourself in the Financial Travelers Guidepost. When I was looking into building a website, the consultant asked me to pick a theme. I really had no ideas, except I knew I didn't want a dry boring financial website that had no personality. They asked me what my clients had in common, and after thinking about it and talking it over with Tricia, we realized many of my clients are avid travelers. Now that was exciting, especially since my wife and I also love to travel. So, the travel theme stuck.

As a passionate underwater photographer, I love showing off my pictures - and so the Financial Travelers Guidepost was born. This site will allow me to put up my pictures, and so can you. Those pictures that you take in front of the Empire State Building, the Great Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, etc. would all be great additions to the Travelers Guidepost.

In fact, I want to create what they call a "Flat Stanley". That is - a photo of yourself at a vacation spot with a Raymond James item in the picture. I would be happy to provide a shirt, bumper sticker or anything else you'd like to use in your shot. I think this would be fun, and I would hope if a client is interested in traveling to, let's say India, I could refer them to other clients for some hands-on recommendations for that area.

So, please enjoy and give me your feedback!

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Client Photos

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Indonesia 2009

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Indonesia 2007

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My Albums

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Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.
Franklin D. Roosevelt