Corporate Executives and Employees Face Unique

You may be in management or an associate approaching retirement.

You are ready to navigate the planning opportunities and challenges that retiring workers encounter.

You may be wondering how to handle a large concentrated stock position and are considering the advantages of diversifying your portfolio.

We Have Worked With Employees of UPS

Two members of our team, Marc Young and Tim Campisano, spent part of their careers working at UPS.

We have a strong understanding of retirement planning and the issues specific to retirees.

  • Your top concerns may be maintaining your lifestyle through retirement and, equally as important, keeping your hard-earned wealth.
  • You may be looking for more than investment advice – someone who focuses on your needs and well-being.
  • You may be seeking advice to guide your insurance needs, decisions around liabilities, estate planning decisions, and other wealth management issues.

Specializing in Serving You

Our team specializes in providing consulting services to corporate executives and employees on key issues including:

We invite you to talk with us about how you can successfully transition into retirement. Please contact us here »

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