Together, we’ll follow a carefully guided path to create a customized financial plan just for you.

As we follow the path to your financial plan together, our footsteps will be carefully guided by our Personal Wealth Connection Process. This orderly process enables us to learn about who you are personally, professionally and financially. We’ll fully assess your current financial situation, identify wealth-management opportunities and then make suitable recommendations. It also enables us to follow your progress and make adjustments along the way. Through it, you’ll understand the strategic nature of your plan and have a clear understanding of the investment process.

Disovery Meeting

We’ll learn about your needs, goals and values to start the process

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In this important first meeting, you’ll experience firsthand the collaborative nature of our practice as we learn about you, your values, relationships and lifelong goals. Since your financial plan is centered on your life, your life is the center of this meeting. This helps us identify the challenges you face in achieving all that is important to you. We examine your current situation, the goals you would like to pursue and how we can maximize the possibility of achieving those goals.

Investment Plan Meeting

Your current financial situation will be discussed and we’ll make recommendations.

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At this meeting, we present our diagnostic of your current situation and our recommendations for how we can bridge the gaps in order for you to reach your goals. This plan forms the foundation for all of our work together.

Mutual Commitment Meeting

Here, we confirm our relationship and secure everyone’s commitment to your plan and to each other.

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Sharing a common vision for your plan is important. At this meeting, we are ready to make a mutual decision about whether our firm can add substantial value and whether we should proceed. Should we both choose to work together, we commit to each other to work toward achieving everything that is important to you and your family. We also execute the documents necessary to put your investment plan into motion.

45-Day Follow-Up Meeting

Your information and paperwork are checked to make sure everything is accurate and up to date.

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When you have multiple investment accounts, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of paperwork you receive. At this meeting, we help you organize all that paperwork and then provide access to our Wealth Management Software so you can see all your accounts in aggregate as well as begin to utilize the digital vault. We also answer any questions you may have so that you understand exactly what is happening with your money.

Regular Progress Meetings

Monitoring your progress is important. Regular meetings help keep things on track.

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These meetings, which we schedule at intervals convenient to you, provide us an opportunity to review any major changes in your personal or financial situation since our last meeting. If these changes mean that we need to make adjustments to your investment plan, we do so. We also review your overall progress toward your long-term financial goals. This meeting is also our opportunity to implement advanced planning recommendations that may be appropriate for your situation. We will present to you our Advanced Plan at our first Regular Progress Meeting so that we can prioritize those areas of greatest importance to you and then begin to address them systematically.


Sophisticated Wealth Management | Advanced Planning | WealthCare4Widows