Preserving your retirement lifestyle.

It can be daunting to think of life without a paycheck. That’s where we come in. Wherever and however you see yourself in retirement, we can create a plan designed for sustainable monthly withdrawals from your investment portfolio to help you enjoy it and potentially make your money last your lifetime.

Working together, we’ll talk about what you need and want your money to do for you and assess the likelihood that you’ll be able to achieve your goals. If you have to make tradeoffs, we can show you how small compromises might make a big impact over the long term. We’ll also talk about the things that concern you, and solutions that may help alleviate your worries. As your lifestyle changes, we keep your financial plan updated to keep you moving in the direction you want to go.

It’s essential for your retirement plan to work for you, helping you enjoy the life you’ve envisioned while also mitigating risk that could make your nest egg vulnerable. We also strive to ensure that your wealth passes in the most efficient way to your heirs and philanthropic endeavors through estate and legacy planning.

We can help surround your concerns about retirement by helping with:

  • Retirement Income Planning
  • Social Security Optimization
  • Estate and Legacy Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • Distribution Strategies
  • Healthcare Planning
  • Long-Term Care Costs

You’ve saved and sacrificed, so let’s help make sure all of your hard work works for you in retirement.

Brad Kaminski