More than simply an investment portfolio, your plan will bring together the many diverse facets of your financial life. It will clearly reflect your specific situation, your attitudes and preferences, your tolerance for risk and the unique financial challenges you face.

Retirement Planning
Whether it’s fast approaching or years away, you’ve probably thought about how you’d like to spend your retirement. We’ll help you develop a specific strategy for funding the retirement you envision, providing for your day-to-day needs, as well as for life’s unexpected turns, such as illness or disability.

Estate Planning
Financial planning today extends far beyond your lifetime; it shapes the legacy you leave for your family. Effective estate planning may minimize taxes while helping to ensure your hard-earned assets are protected and transferred as you intend. Working with your attorney and family, we can help you determine appropriate estate planning strategies.

Survivor Income Analysis
All of us want to provide for our families after we’re gone, but most families find this topic difficult to discuss. We can guide you in tackling this sensitive issue and determining what steps you may want to take to protect your family’s future.

Asset Allocation
By dividing your investments among four basic categories – stocks, fixed income, cash alternatives and other tangible assets – you can help preserve capital, increase liquidity and decrease volatility. In fact, studies have found that over the long run, the overall performance of investment portfolios depends more on asset allocation than on individual investments.* We can help you fine-tune your investment portfolio with a diversified mix of assets appropriate for your needs and goals.

*Source: Brinson, Beebower and Associates, “Determinants of Portfolio Performance” 1986, revised 1991 and 1995. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.

Risk Management
Just as managing risk is an important part of investing, it is also crucial to the ongoing health of your overall financial picture. From disability to long-term-care and life insurance, we offer a full array of risk management solutions. And because we understand your comprehensive financial plan and goals, we can help ensure you have exactly the coverage you need.

Tax-Efficient Investing
Because taxes can have a major impact on your financial picture, it is important to explore investment alternatives that may provide tax benefits. We can help you identify investments that may help reduce your tax liability and are happy to work in conjunction with your tax advisor.

Education Funding
As the price of education continues to rise, so does the need for thorough planning. We can assist you in reviewing college funding alternatives and determining which options may be best for your and your family’s situation.

Our financial plans offer a high-degree of personalization that matches your investments to your goals and ability to take on risk. We analyze each potential opportunity to find just the right ones for you, your family and your goals, while also helping to manage your liabilities so you feel confident in your complete financial picture.

The result is a financial plan that is as dynamic, vibrant and enduring as the lifetime of achievement it represents. Simply put, we believe our business is people and their financial well-being, and we are as committed to your success as you are.

Our financial plans offer a high-degree of personalization that matches your investments to your goals and ability to take on risk.