Why work with a CPFA® professional?

Many people are overwhelmed with resources in planning for their retirement and beyond. There are so many different considerations and questions to ask when thinking about how to plan and prepare for retirement. It’s very helpful to have guidance from an experienced professional, who will take the time to get to know you, learn what is in your best interests, and provide you with resources needed to make informed decisions. Working with a financial professional like a Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor (CPFA®) can provide you with that much-needed guidance and direction, as you prepare for your golden years. 

What is a Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor?

A CPFA is a financial professional who demonstrates expertise and experience working with retirement plans, including 401(k)s, 403(b)s and other defined contribution plans. The designation is issued by the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA). Advisors who earn their CPFA demonstrate the expertise required to act as a plan fiduciary or help plan fiduciaries manage their roles and responsibilities. They spend time during their certification learning about fiduciary duty for retirement plans, and they can be a valuable resource to clients, recommending the appropriate solutions and resources for addressing retirement questions. 

To receive and maintain the CPFAcredential, an individual must:

  • Successfully pass the NAPA CPFA exam
  • Agree to abide by the American Retirement Association Code of Professional Conduct
  • Apply for the credential
  • Complete 10 hours of continuing education annual in order to maintain the designation

It’s important to know that the financial advisor you choose to work with has the skills, education, and experience needed to help you. Advisors who carry the CPFA designation often have in-depth knowledge on retirement plans. So, choosing an advisor with a CPFA is worth considering, when planning for retirement.

NAPA CPFA® Credential Check

NAPA maintains a public website for verification of NAPA CPFA® credential status. The public can verify that a retirement plan advisor is entitled to use the NAPA CPFA® designation at https://napacredentialcheck.org