Stunning Savings in a Year of COVID

We just experienced the only recession where the personal savings rate hit a 50-year high. That is a stunning result during a global pandemic. American’s saved $1.8 trillion more than they would have had we not experienced a pandemic. That is an unbelievable backdrop for an economy that is reopening, and consumers ready to unleash pent up enthusiasm to travel and reconnect with experiences. We believe experiences are coming back, and investors are well served to own companies and sectors that benefit from this tailwind.

As we move beyond 2020, and the market volatility we endured, let us never forget the “fact of the year” related to markets. Missing the 5 best days last year would have resulted in a return of -21% compared to +18% for the S&P 500 Index.* Let that sink in.

Until next time…


Chart Source: JP Morgan Guide to Retirement, Q1 2021


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