You understand all too well the effort that goes into creating a successful business. It is no surprise that a successful transition – whether it be selling all or part of your business or passing it on to an heir – requires substantial work as well.

During this significant emotional and financial event, it’s imperative to have someone by your side carefully reviewing the deal and keeping your best interests in mind as you cede control of something you’ve tended to for years. You’ll also need to factor in how the proceeds will fit into your overall financial and retirement income plan – in the most tax-efficient way possible.

We can work with you to properly value your business, create a succession plan designed to maximize its financial potential, and address the details essential to all parties concerned. Alongside other professionals such as your tax professional and attorney, we work to develop a comprehensive picture – legal, structural, operational and financial – of your business. Together, we ensure your interests are well represented as you transition out of your business and move on to the next stage of your life.