Gary L. Collier
A complete range of services to address all of life’s priorities

Your financial needs change over time, from accumulating wealth to planning for retirement to making your money last as long as possible through retirement. One constant, however, is our ability to help you pursue your goals throughout your whole life. Through the full spectrum of financial services we offer, we can help you plan not only for a wide range of needs, but for the long succession of significant events that span your lifetime.

It never hurts to have someone see if the financial guidance you are receiving is aligned with your goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. We offer complimentary, no-obligation, and confidential second opinions. If your current advisor is providing you with real value and beneficial guidance, we are perfectly fine with recommending that you maintain your relationship.

Goal Planning & Monitoring is proprietary planning software from Raymond James that can help align financial decisions with your vision of retirement and other highly personalized goals. This powerful resource, used in conjunction with our deep planning experience, helps us ensure that your goals and our strategy for pursuing them are well-defined. Please watch this informative video.

Goal Planning & Monitoring video

Asset allocation is a long-term strategy designed to help investors achieve their financial goals without assuming undue risk. By allocating your assets to a diverse variety of sectors and investments, we attempt to increase the likelihood of generating a more consistent, positive return over the long term. Depending on your risk tolerance, the economic environment, your specific objectives and other factors, your portfolio may include domestic and global stocks, fixed income, real estate and alternative investments.

Asset allocation does not ensure a profit nor protect against loss.

Long-term care insurance can help you preserve your savings and give you access to a range of care options. Nearly four in ten people will need long-term care at some point during their lifetimes. Medicare provides only limited coverage and does not cover custodial care, the type older individuals often need.

Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the insurance company.

At some point in life, every business owner arrives at a decision that can have enormous impact on their life – it’s time to sell the business. It tends to be a highly emotional decision, since they have so much personally invested in it. We serve as their sounding board and voice of reason to determine the value of the business and help them consider different buyers, from family members to employees to an outside party. We work with their accountant and attorney to help determine how to execute the transaction in the most tax-efficient manner. We then present strategies for prudently investing the proceeds in a manner designed to make it last a lifetime and provide monthly retirement income.

We understand the challenges business owners often face and have helped many new, growing and mature businesses plan for the future. Most important, we recognize your business is unique. Working with you as a partner in your success, we’ll take the time to understand your goals and help you address a wide variety of needs, including asset protection, cash management, employee retention programs, insurance, financing and succession planning.

Because people are living longer today, the possibility of going 30 years without a paycheck takes careful planning and disciplined investing. We can help you with every phase of planning for your retirement. During your working years, the accumulation phase, we’ll develop and monitor a wealth accumulation plan based on your specific goals and objectives. As you approach retirement, the pre-retirement phase, we’ll assist you with critical decisions regarding retirement plan options, Social Security and tax planning. Then once you are retired, we will determine tax-efficient income and wealth transfer strategies designed to help you in retirement.


Investors should consider their personal investment horizon and income tax brackets, both current and anticipated, when making an investment decision. Results will vary as investing involves risk, fluctuating returns, and the possibility of loss. Raymond James advisors do not provide tax or legal services. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

Whether it’s providing income for a spouse, educating children or grandchildren or leaving money to your favorite charity, proper estate planning can help ensure that your assets accumulated over your lifetime are preserved for the use you have intended. We can offer financial strategies designed to efficiently manage the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next, and mitigate related tax issues.

If your goals include providing for the future of a child or grandchild, we can help you investigate your many options and develop an education funding strategy. We can help you provide for this opportunity with investment vehicles such as Coverdell education savings accounts, 529 college savings accounts and specialized trust vehicles.

As with other investments, there are generally fees and expenses associated with participation in a 529 plan. There is also a risk that these plans may lose money or not perform well enough to cover college costs as anticipated. Most states offer their own 529 programs, which may provide advantages and benefits exclusively for their residents. The tax implications can vary significantly from state to state.

As we live longer lives, there’s an awful lot to consider about your retirement years – from choosing the right Medicare plan to the possibility of a healthcare episode to finding a ride to the grocery store. Raymond James has partnered with several services to help make these challenges easier for you and your loved ones. Click on the tabs below to learn more about the available services.

Holistic planning - for your financial life

The future you envision starts with making a plan today. Our longevity resources are designed to help you unlock new levels of financial confidence through integrated goal planning with your advisor. Learn how to lead thoughtful conversations about wealth and health with your family and build a holistic plan that puts you and your loved ones at the center of every decision.

Goal Planning & Monitoring

This sophisticated wealth planning tool shows your full financial picture. It takes into account your specific goals, investment strategy, risk tolerance, spending and saving rates – and tells you the probability of achieving your goals*.

*IMPORTANT: The projections or other information generated by Goal Planning & Monitoring regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. Results may vary with each use and over time. Asset allocation does not guarantee a profit nor protect against loss.

Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected.

Longevity planning isn’t just about investment management. It’s also about protecting yourself and your loved ones, so you can make the most of what the future holds. Explore the services we offer to safeguard your hard-earned savings, your identity and even your health.


EverSafe seeks to shield you and your loved ones from financial fraud through a proprietary algorithm that monitors accounts for unusual activity. Alerts are sent to you and anyone you designate as a trusted advocate. You can also protect loved ones by serving as their trusted advocate. And if any issues are detected, EverSafe helps you manage the resolution process and create a recovery plan.


Make the most of Medicare with HealthPlanOne, with unbiased agents to help you compare your options and find the most cost-effective plan – all while ensuring appropriate coverage for your preferred providers, doctors and medications.

As longevity planning specialists, we understand the costs and commitment that come with caregiving. Whether you’re seeking care support, serving as a caregiver or partnering with loved ones for family care management, our resources help you navigate every aspect of health and wellness.

Broadspire Care Management

Plan for the greatest financial factors in retirement – housing and healthcare – with Broadspire Care Management. When you’re ready, one of their dedicated care experts can visit your home to assess, recommend and facilitate strategies for aging in place as well as help you address additional care needs, from minor home modifications to finding the best memory care facility.


A concierge health service, PinnacleCare maintains relationships with top-ranked medical centers across the country and works with you to source the best treatment options, schedule appointments, seek second opinions from trusted specialists and more.

Retirement doesn’t mean closing the chapter on your life’s purpose. Instead, it’s an opportunity to redefine it. This might include an encore career or volunteering for causes near and dear to you. If you’re not sure what makes your heart soar, ask yourself: What activities do I enjoy and how do I stay connected with my community? What are my personal goals? When do I feel most fulfilled?

We can help guide you through each facet of your life, including your post-retirement years, and connect you with resources that prioritize your well-being and happiness.

A legacy is so much more than what you’ll one day leave behind. It’s about passing on cherished memories, sharing your stories and helping instill your values in future generations. It’s about creating a gift that extends far beyond your wealth.


A meaningful legacy includes organizing and sharing critical information with your loved ones – and that’s where Everplans can help. Through its step-by-step process, Everplans enables you to organize important documents – from your will and end-of-life wishes to your favorite family recipes – in a secure online database, which can be shared with trusted family and friends whenever you decide.

The projections or other information generated by Goal Planning & Monitoring regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. The return assumptions in Goal Planning & Monitoring are not reflective of any specific product, and do not include any fees or expenses that may be incurred by investing in specific products. The actual returns of a specific product may be more or less than the returns used in Goal Planning & Monitoring. It is not possible to directly invest in an index. Financial forecasts, rates of return, risk, inflation, and other assumptions may be used as the basis for illustrations. They should not be considered a guarantee of future performance or a guarantee of achieving overall financial objectives. Past performance is not a guarantee or a predictor of future results of either the indices or any particular investment. Goal Planning & Monitoring results may vary with each use and over time.

“We know our business, but what we’d really like to know is you.”
Gary L. Collier
Private Wealth Manager, RJFS