Building a plan and portfolio specifically for you
You are unique in your goals, needs, concerns, family dynamics and financial scenario. This is why we’ll customize a comprehensive financial plan and investment portfolio that reflects who you are and what you want to accomplish. Here’s a brief synopsis of how we’ll go about it.
We’ll begin with a face-to-face meeting to gain a thorough understanding of your personal goals, current financial situation, investment experience, timeline and risk tolerance. We find that the better we know you and what you want to accomplish, the more we can help.
We’ll create a plan with recommendations tailored specifically for you. We’ll consider different investment options and coordinate with your CPA and attorney, when appropriate. Once it’s ready, we’ll present our work to you, explain our reasoning, answer any questions you may have, and outline the next steps.
Once we have your approval, we’ll execute your plan and build out your investment portfolio. This involves the selection of specific account types, investment products and optional services, and the handling of all documentation and paperwork.
After putting your plan into action, we’ll monitor its progress on an ongoing basis to help ensure it remains aligned with your goals, personal circumstances, stages of your life and the financial markets. We take a tactical approach to managing portfolios and will make adjustments as important events appear on the horizon, such as the Fed adjusting interest rates or geopolitical events that may have financial implications. We’ll suggest changes when needed, and keep you informed of your account activity. Above all, we want you to know, that as your trusted financial partner, we’ll always be looking out for you.