We’re grateful for the continual support of our clients and neighbors who have helped us achieve success. It’s our honor and privilege to return the favor as active members of our community. Here are some of the initiatives that are most important to us.
In Effingham:
Dwight served for twenty years as an adjunct professor for LakeLand College. He was a founding committee member of the Sculpture on the Avenues project. Dwight formerly served in multiple volunteer and appointed capacities within Effingham's city government, including the Effingham Industrial Commission. He was chairman for the last four of his twelve years on the City Plan Commission. He serves passionately as a mentor, instructor, and board member of Effingham's acclaimed CEO program for area high-school students. Dwight is a board member of the Chicago District Golf Association, and serves on the CDGA’s executive committee. His daily Morning Comments e-newsletter has garnered a nationwide readership, and he is the author of A New York City Christmas Festival!
Karen has been an advisor to the Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation. She was an early president of the city's first pre-school nursery, served on the United Way board, and she was a member of the YMCA steering committee.
Melissa Willenborg, our newest financial planner, began her career as a CPA with Ernst & Young in St Louis. She moved back to Effingham and immediately immersed herself in community activities. She recently served as chief financial officer at a prominent regional business, and has been involved in the CEO program, chair of the Effingham Community Foundation board, president of Effingham Women’s Tennis, president of the Effingham chapter of PEO, and was a board member for Effingham’s St Anthony Schools. Melissa was co-founder of 100+ Women Who Care Effingham County.
Dwight and Karen have been on the "Call First" list of the area's business, political, and charitable leaders since 1975; Melissa, as well, since 1998.
Raymond James is not affiliated with the above organizations and/or charitable causes.