Heather Poole Practice Business Coordinator

Heather Poole Practice Business Coordinator

Our clients value working with Heather because she treats them like family, serves as their advocate, and always looks out for their interests. As our business manager, she also helps maintain the efficient operation of our office.

Heather initially followed her family into the financial services industry, beginning her career in 1995 at PNC Bank in Louisville. She found the areas of finance and investments personally rewarding, so she moved to the Louisville office of Smith Barney, where she first began working with Patricia Bennett.

Heather was born in Louisville, but has lived in Washington, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Canada, Virginia, Tennessee and Mississippi. Today, she lives in Louisville with her husband, Brian, and children, Brody and Ella. In her free time, Heather enjoys swimming, exercise and traveling with her family. She serves as a volunteer for the YMCA and St. Margaret Mary School.