Our Ideal Client

We want to thank you for being a part of our practice and more importantly a part of our lives. After years of serving our clients we have learned many things, and several things have become clear.

Perhaps our most important revelation over the years and through our experiences is that we cannot be all things to all people and deliver the level of service and commitment that individuals like you, our Ideal Clients, deserve. In addition to having developed and refined our proprietary process, The Embark FORMula, we have become aware of the clients we are most suited to partner with and serve.

As your Financial Advisor, we believe that your goal of achieving financial independence must be at the core of our philosophy and planning strategy. The relationships we are most philosophically aligned with are not defined by money or investments, but rather attitudinal qualities of people most like ourselves.


  • Have confidence in someone other than themselves to handle their wealth management needs
  • Desire a personal advisor to holistically address their financial goals and objectives
  • Are motivated to listen, engage and act on professional recommendations for following a clear path to financial independence
  • Respect others’ feelings, and are compassionate in what they do and desire
  • Are friendly, nice people who appreciate our staff and our expertise
  • Share connections and interests with our team, and value the personal relationships we seek to build
  • Are open and honest communicators willing to introduce us to likeminded friends and colleagues
  • Have gratitude for today and ambition for tomorrow