Nominate Your Favorite Charity to Receive a $500 Donation!

Hands holding a wooden heart

I’m looking to donate $500 to a US-based charity. Do you have a charity you love? If so then nominate them!

It’s easy!

Post up on my LinkedInFacebook, or Twitter page  at and tell me, in 300 words or less, why your favorite US-based charity deserves this donation.

· You can nominate as many as you wish. 

· Deadline for all submissions is April 30, 2018.

· To be eligible, causes must have 501(c)(3) status. Once eligibility is confirmed, charities are then placed on a ballot and a committee of my peers and I will pick a winner!

· I’ll announce the winner on my social media on May 15, 2018.

· I’ll make the donation in May of 2018.

· Not on social media? Email me at

By the way, if you want to learn more about charitable giving, check out my articles below.

Under Trump, Charitable Contributions From Your IRA are More Valuable Than Ever

Give Together, Grow Together: Strengthen Your Family Through Charitable Giving

Becoming a Giving Family

How Wealthy Families Can Avoid Raising an Entitled Child