Making the most of your retirement years

Decades of work have brought you here, to a well-earned retirement. The challenge now is making your money last through this new phase. Our team will collaborate with you to define a withdrawal strategy that fits your life and helps you pursue your goals and aspirations.

Maybe you finally have time to make long-awaited home renovations. Or perhaps you want to take trips across the country to visit loved ones. All of this can be factored into a spending plan that can help keep you on track. We can also help you take a tax-efficient approach to retirement income, including required minimum distributions (RMDs).

Health is important, too. Though we often think of Medicare as the solution for our health expenses in retirement, it’s important to know what it does not cover – and factor that into your plan. We can help you use your data to forecast your medical costs in retirement, and consider the options for managing financial risk related to health costs.