Mapping out a plan for your financial life

Before setting off in the direction of your goals, it can help to have a map and an experienced guide. Through a well-ordered process refined over decades, we handle the complexities of mapping out your plan, putting it in motion and monitoring it for you, keeping your vision for the future at the forefront.

Defining the partnership and understanding your goals

This step includes building a solid understanding of your personal goals, current financial situation, investment experience and risk tolerance. We then explain the services we will be providing you and our transparent fee structure. To gain our bearings, we continue our dialogue with you about the important things in life: What matters most, what concerns you have and what kind of legacy you want to leave.

Charting out a course to your objectives

Once we’ve gathered all the essential information, we analyze it to determine the right course of action to meet your goals. Everything from assets, liabilities and cash flow to insurance policies will be taken into consideration. We then develop and present financial planning recommendations for your specific situation.

Putting your plan in place

Once you understand the plan we’ve developed for you and you approve it, we act on our recommendations. We work in collaboration with your other professional advisors, such as an accountant or attorney, when appropriate.

Monitoring your progress

We stay connected with you and your goals, watching over your progress and sharing reports with you at regular intervals. As your life changes, we make the necessary course corrections to help keep you on track.