Integrated Wealth Solution

Integrate all aspects of your financial life.

As your trusted advisor, we help you determine where you want to go and the best way to get there. Our advice extends beyond investments; our advice is a road map that integrates all aspects of your financial life to provide you and your family with direction and security. Our Integrated Wealth Solution bundles wealth management, investment management, asset protection, tax and estate planning advice in order to help you achieve your financial goals and life dreams.


  • Custom Portfolio Management
  • Non-Discretionary Relationship
  • Stock Concentration Strategies
  • Stock Option Planning
  • Alternative Investments (with some restrictions)
  • Portfolio Income Strategies
  • Tax-Smart Implementation and Trading
  • Ongoing Monitoring, Rebalancing, Tax-loss Harvesting and Performance Reporting
  • Individual Securities
  • Socially Responsible Investing, including ESG Screening
  • Current Events: Portfolio Sensitivity
  • Secure Client Portal
  • 401(k) Guidance


  • Financial Planning
  • Budget Analysis and Spending Review
  • Goals Assessment and Prioritization
  • Wealth Planning Organizer
  • Real Estate Advice and Support
  • Mortgage Rate Watch
  • Social Security Maximization
  • Medicare Enrollment Assistance
  • College Savings Plans and Analysis
  • Life, Disability and Long-Term Care Insurance Review Referral
  • Property and Casualty Insurance Review Referral
  • General Estate and Beneficiary Review


  • Annual Tax Management Review
  • Integration and Coordination with CPA on Tax Savings Strategies


  • Individuals with between $1 million and $5 million in assets under management who want to manage their wealth through a more sophisticated financial planning and investment approach.
  • Clients looking for a wealth manager to provide quality information, advice, and guidance regarding their financial performance and wealth strategies.
  • Individuals who seek assistance when faced with life-changing events such as retirement, inheritance, divorce, sale of a business, receipt of stock options, estate planning, loss of a spouse, or a health concern.


  • Receive advice from a trusted service team and dedicated financial planner.
  • Prioritize and make progress toward your top goals.
  • Access solutions to invest and grow your wealth. 
  • Minimize your tax burden.
  • Enhance your investment opportunities.
  • Enjoy more financial security and confidence that your family will be cared for.

Contact us today to talk to a trusted advisor. Let's determine where you want to go and the best way to get there.

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