PLAN PARTICIPATION Participant enrollment and education

Participation is vital to the success of your plan. Educating your plan participants about the benefits and procedures is an ideal way to encourage and increase participation. The Campbell Courtright Group can help your employees have the essential information they need.

  • Communicate the features, benefits and purpose of your plan
  • Explain the importance of a diversified portfolio and asset allocation strategies
  • Illustrate the long-term benefits of making and increasing contributions
  • Explore retirement planning strategies

Enhancement strategies

The health of your plan can be measured by factors such as participation rates, deferral rates and employee investment decisions. The Campbell Courtright Group can offer strategies designed to encourage a healthy plan.

  • Review plan demographics and asset allocation
  • Recommend tactics such as automatic enrollment, automatic deferral increases and default investment options
  • Help you assess the impact of strategies you have implemented

Investment seminars and enrollment meetings

The Campbell Courtright Group can provide enrollment meetings for new employees and continuing education for your existing employees to encourage participation and engagement.

  • Continually reinforce concepts presented in enrollment meetings
  • Offer educational programs about the financial markets and personal financial planning
  • Assist retiring employees with income distribution strategies

Please keep in mind that diversification and asset allocation do not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.