We’re grateful for the continual support of our clients and neighbors who have helped us achieve success. It’s our honor and privilege to return the favor as active members of our community. Here are some of the initiatives that are most important to us.
Rockwell Financial Group of Raymond James started their first annual Pasco County high school scholarship for graduating seniors in 2013. The $500 award is presented to the Pasco County senior who is interested in entering the financial industry. In 2014 a second scholarship was added in memory of Brian's sister, Susan Rockwell, that passed away from ovarian cancer. This $500 award is presented to a deserving Pasco County high school senior intending to go into the medical field with a concentration in either nursing or the area of cancer research. For both scholarships students must demonstrate an involvement in their local community, and write a brief summary of why they believe this scholarship fits their career path. They also must have achieved at least a 2.75 point grade average.
Brian Rockwell is currently a volunteer (Wish Grantor) with the Make-A-Wish Foundation out of the Central & Northern Florida Chapter. As most people already know, Make-A-Wish grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. He also does speaking engagements to various clubs and organizations to "spread the word" of this wonderful organization.
Brian served as a member of the advisory council and former chair of the financial committee for Hope United Methodist Church in Trinity. He is also a former charter member of Trinity Rotary, and member of Sertoma.
Julie Rockwell is very involved in the community and local organizations such as the United Way, PACE Center for Girls, Pasco Aging Network, Pasco Educational Foundation, Trinity Business Association (TBA), Women in Networking and is a Business Partner with JW Mitchel High School Advisory Council.
Julie and her son Sam shown here in front of her wreaths donated at the Good Samaritan Center's Festival of Trees fundraiser.
Julie is also a "Fairy Godmother" for the Cinderella Project. This program provides free prom dresses and accessories for Pasco County high school students who may not otherwise be able to afford attire for their Senior Prom. See article from the 2015 event: http://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-pasco/cinderella-project-needs-donations-to-help-pasco-high-school-girls-go-to-prom
Raymond James is not affiliated with the above organizations and/or charitable causes.