…Because Freakin’ Pawsome isn’t an official job title!
While it may require other B.I.G. Team members several years of training to master the Tricks of the trade, Sterling was born to be a Top Dog at Born Investment Grrroup – A true diamond in the Ruff! From the minute he pulls into the barking lot, he keeps the team on a short leash.
Sterling provides the ultimutt in morale and security detail as our pawsome door greeter and guest announcer. Furtunatley, Sterling knows the importance of a firm handshake and the power of Petworking with people. His other pawffice duties include stamp licking, toy chasing and paper shredding (...confidential correspawdence, of course). Sterling works for tummy rubs and biscuits, but he also enjoys grrrowing his 401K-9 plan with a dollar-fur-dollar match. And, not to worry - If Sterling can’t take your call while napping under Tom’s desk, he does have Collar-ID.
In his free time, Sterling enjoys walks in the park – Staying true to his mission of “…watering every tree”, he dreams of someday becoming an official Branch Manager. He never misses an OSU Tail-gate party or chance to sample some grrreat Bark-B-Q.