Managing your wealth & planning for your goals step by step
The Dreamweaver Process ™
Over years of experience and refinement, we’ve developed the Dreamweaver ProcessTM that is driven by you. Through a six-step sequence, we’ll use our skill and insight to match time-tested financial theories with your unique goals. The ultimate goal, which gives us the most pleasure, is helping make your dreams come true.
You keep dreaming, we’ll keep strategizing and we’ll all keep smiling!
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.
Get to know you
Getting to know each other is perhaps the single most important task of the 1st meeting(s). Did you realize that you are the only person who knows your complete story? Even your friends don’t know everything about you, but we need to. The goal at hand is to know your past and present, in order to understand you better and help craft your future. You’ll share hopes and dreams and we in turn will put our heads together to see how we can make those dreams show up as reality.

Gather the information
During the get to know phase, we gather a great amount of information, some of it is numbers related and some values related. What’s important to you?, what’s the legacy you want to leave to your kids, grandkids or community?. What things will stay the same and what things will change? What gets you up in the morning? And then we ask the critical question: “If we were sitting here three years from now, looking back at those three years. What would have had to happen, for you to be happy with your progress, both personally and financially?” Having us know that answer is what allows us to nurture your plan in a way that you want it nurtured.
Analyze and Brainstorm
No plan comes together with the snap of a finger. After gathering all the information and charting where you want to go we enter the navigation phase. As with any journey there are multiple ways to get there. Our job is to find out which way is “your preferred way”.

Custom craft
Once we know where you’d like to go and how you’d like to get there we put our collective minds together and custom craft that plan. It’s not uncommon for there to be a few options that will work for you, so we’ll leave all of those on the table until we sit down and go over the pro’s and con’s of each. Then, you weigh in on what we came up with and together we sharpen the focus of that plan.
Implementation (Launch)
Once we’ve settled on what you want to accomplish and how, we put the plan in motion. It sometimes feels a bit confusing as parts to your current puzzle get moved around but just like a giant jigsaw puzzle, soon the new picture comes into focus and the dreams looks clearer and closer to reality than they did before.

Revisit & Revise
Have you ever decided that where you wanted to go now, is different than where you wanted to go last year? Us too. That’s why in the Dreamweaver process we continually revisit the plan that we put in place and compare that to your current feelings and goals, making this truly a living breathing plan, just like you..