When you are in your 20s and 30s most portfolios should be set up to grow as quickly as possible. However, over time your goals change and while growth is still very important, preserving capital during difficult times is equally as important. Alger Financial specializes in this second type of need. Our focus is making sure that your money lasts forever so you, and your family, can enjoy life and not have to fret over the financial markets.
At Alger Financial, we create a customized financial plan for each client. This plan addresses strategies to minimize taxes, provide a lifetime income, and allow each client to become financially organized. Two core components of every financial plan are risk management and asset growth. While the market will always have volatility, the key is minimizing losses without foregoing substantial growth. The client's investment and financial goals always come first. Providing comprehensive wealth management involves much more than simply building a portfolio. We are positioned to help clients, not only with portfolio management, but also with retirement, tax, estate, 401k rollover, and insurance planning.
If you would like to schedule a meeting, contact our Alger Financial team at 919-615-2400. Please note that there is no charge for your initial consultation.
To help our first meeting move as efficiently as possible, please bring the following:
1. Copies of your most recent brokerage and/or 401k statements
2. Copy of most recent tax return
3. Any important insurance documents
4. Copies of Estate Planning documents (will, trusts, etc.)
The purpose of the initial consultation is to determine if there is a mutual fit. You need to make sure that the services our Alger Financial team provides fit your objectives, and we need to make sure these same services will benefit you.
Our Alger Financial team strives to have a manageable number of clients to whom we can provide outstanding service. An ideal client for our practice is someone who is coachable, courteous and friendly, and whose situation we can address through our expertise and investment strategies. We look forward to meeting with you and appreciate the opportunity to help you reach your financial goals.
*To honor our existing client relationships while providing you with outstanding service, comprehensive financial planning, and strategic portfolio management, we have established new client minimums of $500,000 in investable assets. This may be waived if your family has an existing relationship with our practice.
Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected, including diversification and asset allocation.