Internet technology is the application of mathematics, as well as scientific, economic, social and practical knowledge. There are certainly parallels that can be drawn when designing a financial plan and developing an investment portfolio. That’s what we do carefully.
We know that you spend long days managing projects and writing code, and that you shouldn’t also have to worry about managing your money. We understand the many important financial matters IT professionals must address.
We know you like to see how things work, so we maintain a transparent approach so you have complete knowledge of not only what investments you own and what fees you pay, but why.
You see the prudence in having a well-designed financial plan not only for addressing your short-term needs today, such as saving for your children’s college educations, but also looking long term to your own retirement.
You can rely on us to provide the high-level experience and advice you seek for your personal financial matters. We can serve as your trusted partner to help manage your investments, and help mitigate your tax burden*, while also addressing key issues such as estate planning, generational wealth transfer and your philanthropic efforts.
*Tax and accounting services are a service of Roshan Ajanee CPA, PC. and not provided by Raymond James.
The investor’s chief problem and even his worst enemy is likely to be himself.