
Some happy news to share with you. After many years of tireless work, my son Keith has acquired the licensure and skills to step into the Financial Advisor role on our ever-growing team. While a growing team of various specialists is valuable for helping clients, expanding the number of financial advisors in a practice is especially beneficial.

Over the decades, many of you have been kind enough to introduce family, friends, and neighbors to our practice. And we are honored that you would trust us with those introductions. As you have often heard me say, “If someone in your life is important to you, then they are important to us, and we will help them. And they do not have to be a client for us to help them.” 

But as many of you also know, we have always set a self-imposed limit on the number of clients we would allow into our practice. We never wanted to grow so quickly or so large that we would have to dilute our efforts for our current clients. This self-imposed limit sometimes resulted in your family, friends, or neighbors being added to our waitlist until we had the capacity to help them properly. 

Having Keith in the Financial Advisor role brings a lot of benefits, with a big one being “no more waitlist”. I love it. We are fortunate to now have the capacity to help a wide range of clients without delay. From younger less-experienced clients who need advice on getting started, to more seasoned clients who need intelligent solutions for complex problems. As always, we work with the clients for whom we can have the most impact. Every one of our clients will continue to experience the same team approach, as we leverage our collective experiences and skill sets in our quest to bring our clients peace of mind & control over their financial lives. We look forward to helping the people you care about in whatever manner is best for them.

Many of you already know Keith, but for those who would like to learn more, his brief biography can be found at this link.

–Rick Wagner