"Stay the course".  A phrase used in the context of a war or battle meaning to pursue a goal regardless of any obstacles or criticism. The modern usage of this term was popularized by our US presidents George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. Source, Wikipedia.

In investing, the term means to stay with your current investment strategy, which ever that maybe.  The strategy seems easy enough, but with short-term volatility, access to up to date information and opinions from just about everyone, it can be a more difficult task.  The easy solution may lead us to simply move our money out of the market, sit on the sidelines and get back in when things have appeared to turn around.  Easier said than done. The challenge with this strategy is timing, both on the exit and then the entrance. The attached report illustrates intra-year declines versus the year end results; I think you will find it interesting. Click Here for the chart.

Who wins out—consumers/housing or oil/EM? The answer may determine market’s fate. Read Here

A clear explanation of the things you can and can't pay for with your HSA. You might know that a growing number of Americans are becoming eligible for health savings accounts, which allows them to set aside money for qualifying...Read Here