Reflections on 9/11

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Call to Women

As I reflect on 9/11, I look on the happenings in my life. We have had some great surprises- probably the best is our adopted daughter, Hannah. We literally were asked to come down to the hospital and pick up a newborn. We have had some extended changes in our lives – aging parents, a changed world since 9-11, and career changes. We have also had some tragedies: losing friends and family too soon, financial ups and downs, and helping others through personal loss.

When we put together this video about “Why Should Women Pay Extra Attention to Their Financial Planning Needs?” our intention was to help women realize that often, they are the survivors and caregivers.

Amid all the work women do, in addition to planning parties, a holiday gathering, or simply what’s for dinner- I encourage them to take time to plan for their financial future.

Let us help whatever stage you are in-- whether young and building a career and family, juggling kids in school and aging parents, or in retirement.

Let those you care about know they are loved today as we continue to remember the lives affected by 9/11, long after that day 18 years ago.

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