Streetwise for Sunday, December 6, 2020

It is that time of the year once again, the time for holiday parties, gift giving and a good time to be had by all...well maybe not all. There are many for whom the adversities of life have wrenched away most, if not all the holiday spirit.

Yes, many of you know what is coming next if only because each December around this date, I have been an orator of the same discourse for more years than I can readily recall. Yet, the need for the message is so compelling it bears repeating every holiday season.

So, if you are among the faithful, please sit back; pour yourself a glass of eggnog and think of it as a refresher course. For new readers, this is the one time of the year when I stray a bit from my normal investment fare to show you how to achieve some guaranteed exceptional returns.

No, it is not my annual list of stocks I offer up each year for your investment pleasure; that must wait until early January. Nonetheless, the following oration will provide you with some excellent returns.

The story begins with the concept of compounding; a force that Albert Einstein once said was the most powerful in the universe. It is 1947, in Los Angeles, California. Diane Hendricks has created a handmade Raggedy Ann doll that she wants her husband Bill to give to any organization in the area that would forward it on to a needy child. Unfortunately, Bill was unable to find such an organization.

In relating this predicament to his wife, Diane’s suggestion was that maybe Bill should start one. Luckily, Bill was also Major Bill Hendricks, a Marine Reservist. He and his fellow reservists proceeded to collect and distribute 5,000 toys to needy children.

Their campaign was so successful that the Marine Corps officially adopted “Toys for Tots” and expanded it into a nationwide effort. Their mission is the same today as it was back then, to bring holiday joy to America’s needy children.

“Toys for Tots” received an added boost because in civilian life Hendricks was also the publicity director for Warner Brothers. That enabled Hendricks to persuade Walt Disney to design the “Toys for Tots” logo, a logo still in use today.

The investment of one Raggedy Ann doll, in the life of one child 68 years ago, is today the “Toys for Tots” Foundation; a non-profit organization that has collected and distributed more than 370 million toys to more than 173 million needy children. This charitable endeavor has made the Marines an unchallenged leader in looking after needy children during the holiday season. Do you now see what compounding can do?

As you sit there contemplating your eggnog, I have a favor to ask. This is the one and only time where I recommend a specific investment, an investment that will pay dividends far above what you will receive on Wall Street.

Yes, the call for help is never ending especially given the suffering brought about by COVID-19. Still, try to imagine what it must be like for a child not to receive a gift this holiday season. There are more than 13 million children living in extreme poverty and the number has increased by 2.5 million over the past ten years.

The National Center for Children in Poverty has indicated that another 16 million children live in very low-income families that are ineligible for public aid. Since you are likely to be purchasing gifts, either on-line or in person, please take the time to purchase at least a small toy or two for a local charity or the “Toys for Tots” program.

Oh, one other small favor. As you go about your day’s activities, you will probably see volunteers outside ringing a bell to try to get your attention, assuming the virus permits it. Think about what it must be like to stand for hours trying to raise money for the needy.

Consequently, this is what I would like you to do. Instead of just walking by, take a moment to pause and reach into your purse or pocket. No, do not reach for the coins. Please, dig a little deeper. Work your way down to where you keep the folding stuff. Find that picture of old Abe Lincoln and drop it in the pot. I am sure old Abe would approve. Otherwise, a check to a local charity would also work.

Finally, in the event no one takes the time to express his or her appreciation for your efforts, let me...thank you.

Lauren Rudd is a Financial Advisor with Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC, located at 1950 Ringling Blvd #401 Sarasota, FL 34236. You can contact him at 941-706-3449. This market commentary is provided for information purposes only. The information provided is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Any opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of Raymond James. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but Raymond James does not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. Past Performance does not guarantee future results.