Yes, in fact I did. And you responded quickly, creatively and thoughtfully. Twenty five clients responded to my inquiry. They ranged in age from 20 something to 80’ish. Business owners, employees, teachers, retired bankers and engineers, you took the time to answer three very basic questions:
Your annotated but unedited replies are below.
Adjusting to socially distancing seems to be easy for some, more challenging for others. But overall, people are finding ways to manage:
You offered so many astonishing ideas, it was fun reading all of them. Here are a few poignant suggestions:
You offered straightforward, provocative and beautiful thoughts.
Thank you friends and clients for offering up these great thoughts. Feel free to share them.
I look forward to seeing you in person again soon. Until then….be safe, be smart, be kind, and don’t forget to wash your hands!
Ralph McDevitt April 20, 2020