Sedona Arizona

We started our summer road trip last week as soon as school got out. 38 foot RV across country. Our goal: The Grand Canyon and Colorado River. We're down a kid this year and left the dogs at home, so it's not as cramped, but that's the reason we decided to do it. With teenagers, it's hard to get them to come out of their rooms so my thought was I'll force them to hang out with us. The RV certainly accomplishes that.

This year we have combined seeing the sights with college visits. A new dynamic to the trip that brings a lot of pride with the excitement of checking another line item from the bucket list.

This is my first cross country trip and although I knew what to expect before I left, it is another thing to actually see it. I talk about diversity a lot when describing investing but this country shows it firsthand. From the landscape and vegetation, to the cities and different cultures. My dad always said it takes all different types to make the world go around and this trip is proving that.

Atlanta was one of our first stops, a city that is the 4th largest in housing Corporate headquarters, and I can report that there is a lot of construction happening downtown. From there through Memphis, into Oklahoma and Texas where you see the farmlands and cattle ranches as far as the eye can see with all types of new equipment. Finally, New Mexico and Arizona where I notice mining operations in full force.

Most of all, the amount of product moving across the country on both the roads and rail has certainly been eye opening. It's one thing to read the economic reports but another thing to see it in action. Gives me confidence both about the state of the economy and our market forecasts.

Here is the buy sell this week. As always should you have any questions feel free to reach out.


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