December 2023

You know that friend or group of friends you have that you just can’t live without? You know, the ones that you rely on when you need just about anything. Maybe it’s a sister or two or a cousin, or maybe its friends from work or college or the neighborhood. Whatever the origin, you know these friends have your back – they are your team!

You have a financial team too. I mean, of course you know you can rely on us at Kindred Financial Partners, but did you know that we also work closely with your CPA and attorney? Do you currently have a CPA and attorney that you like and connect with? Do we know who they are?

First, if you aren’t already working with a trusted CPA or attorney and would like a recommendation to someone who we think would be a good fit, please let us know. Second, if you are already working with these other trusted professionals make sure we know who they are. As an integral part of your planning team, it is so helpful that we know who else you are relying on. It then gives us the opportunity, with your permission of course, to reach out as needed. I don’t know about you but being ‘the middleman’ is one job I can do without. When we know who your other trusted professionals are, it allows us to work together with them for your benefit.

All too often, the work we do for you requires us to also gather information from your CPA, attorney, or both. We have also had the opportunity to have a sit-down meeting for clients that involves us, their CPA and attorney. It can be an incredibly valuable experience, not only for your financial team, but for you. This ongoing communication among your trusted professionals helps everyone to be on the same page and work towards your benefit. It also helps to put a name with a face. If you work with someone we don’t have an established relationship with, it helps us to get to know each other on your behalf.

Our communication with your CPA or attorney can be ongoing throughout the year if what we are trying to accomplish warrants that. During tax time, we hear from many of your CPAs and help them facilitate getting your taxes completed accurately and timely by providing necessary information and forms. When your estate plan is completed or updated, we work closely with your attorney to make sure everything you have here is properly titled and noted.

Isn’t it nice to know your team is working together for you? Let’s talk about how this benefits your specific situation during our next annual meeting.

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