Birch Bayer

Complex Administration Manager

Birch Bayer has more than 23 years of experience in the Financial Industry. Birch started his career as a Sales Associate and worked with a variety of different business focuses from ultra-high net worth restricted and corporate stock clearance to retirement plans and Institutional trading.

In 2001, Birch joined the Idaho management team of Smith Barney and has worked in various supervisory roles from an Operations Manager to a Risk Officer as well as spending 7 years as the Senior Complex Risk Officer for the Morgan Stanley Oregon Complex. Birch moved back to Idaho in 2019 to be closer to his family and to get back to his roots and the splendors that Idaho has to offer. He brought with him his Fiancé Cricel and his two children Gavin and Naomi.

In 2022, birch took an opportunity to work with his long-time friend and Complex Manager of the Raymond James Idaho Complex Todd Lovell and joined the Idaho Management team for Raymond James. In 2022, he married the love of his life and is now the Complex Administrative Manager for the Raymond James Idaho Complex. Birch thrives in the outdoors and spends many hours in nature with his family and his Boxer Puppy, Dresden.