Friends – Truly holistic financial planning means looking at your ENTIRE financial picture. One area that often does not get enough attention, and where we spend a lot of time with our clients, is in optimizing employer benefits. This comes into particular focus each year during annual open enrollment periods. The amount of information shared during these times can be overwhelming, and often inertia sets in and the same benefits are elected year after year and important options go overlooked.
With the rising cost of health insurance, and the proliferation of new benefit options, we always encourage taking time to really understand the options available to you through your employer. Regardless of your situation, we firmly believe that smart decisions in this area can have a meaningful impact to your overall financial plan over the course of a long career. Below I’ve outlined some of the primary benefit options and considerations for each.
If you have any questions about the benefits available through your employer and which options are right for you given your particular circumstances, or even if you’d just like a second opinion before making your elections, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re always happy to help.
Private Wealth Advisor