Friends – A common theme when talking to clients is the struggle to balance competing priorities for their investments. There is a push and pull between near-term needs and longer-term goals. Balancing risk and return. Giving their money a chance to grow while not having a pullback in markets reduce their savings right when they need it. To help manage this challenge, we use a concept called bucketing – managing your savings and investments within different buckets, with different timelines and risk profiles, all working toward different goals as part of a broader plan. Most often this takes the form of three main buckets – short-, intermediate, and long-term savings. I’ve described each in more detail below.
Finding the right balance as you allocate your savings between these three buckets is difficult. And it is important to understand the strategies available to optimize to investments in each – selecting the right account types, taking appropriate levels of risk, mitigating taxes and managing liquidity are all critical. If you have any questions at all about how to optimize your own savings around these three buckets, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always happy to help.