financial endurance

Financial Endurance

By Shannon Sapp

Life has a funny way of attempting to sidetrack you from your goals. There are so many “things”, thoughts, and ideas vying for our attention every minute of the day. Focus is a skill that requires practice. Like every learned skill, some have to work harder at it than others.

Same goes for financial goals.

We aren’t all brought into this world with a guaranteed financial “starting line”. But don’t let your starting line define your race! After all, what really matters is what you do with your race when the gun goes off.

Long-term financial goals are a marathon, not a sprint.

They require strategy, discipline, and focus. We may encounter obstacles along the way, or face an unexpected hill that forces us to detour. In your financial marathon, train yourself to focus on your race and not someone else’s.

Keep an eye on your pace, your lane, and most importantly, your finish line.

It may be a long way off, and your pace may vary along the way, but if you focus on your race and be disciplined to put the work in, you will achieve your goals.

“A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”
Colin Powell

I couldn’t agree more. When you’re ready—reach out! We’ve got ideas to help you build your financial endurance.