Episode #15

Thought Leader: Darwin Huartson on Navigating Grief and Bereavement


Today is a change of pace for our episodes were addressing an incredibly important topic but difficult topic – dealing with grief and loss of a loved one. This is a different episode than normal. I aim to be a resource for people as they deal with life and part of that, as we know, is dealing with loss. I think we all agree this is an important topic and one that we, or our loved ones, can struggle with. As you listen to this think of someone who could benefit from listening to this episode and please consider sharing it with them.

I'm honored to have Darwin Huartson as out guest today. Darwin is a board-certified chaplain and over the past 40 years, his pastoral ministry has included roles as a hospital and hospice chaplain, bereavement manager, and parish pastor. Recently retired from his position as a community chaplain at Porter Loring, Darwin has dedicated his career to offering emotional and spiritual support to those who have lost loved ones. As a member of the Association of Death Education and Counseling, he has provided training and presentations on spirituality, caregiving, and bereavement both locally and nationally.

Here are some additional resources and book Darwin shared:

  1. Comfort for the Grieving Spouse's Heart - Gary Roe
  2. Welcome to the Grief Club - Janine Kwoh
  3. The Myth of Closure: Ambiguous Loss in a Time of Pandemic and Change - Pauline Boss
  4. Transcending Loss: Understanding the Lifelong Impact of Grief and How to Make it Meaningful - Ashley Davis Bush
  5. When Your Soulmate Dies - Alan D. Wolfelt
  6. Winter of the Heart: Finding Your Way Through the Mystery of Grief - Phyllis Clark Nichols
  7. It's OK That You are Not OK - Megan Devine
  8. Breath for the Soul—Self Care Steps to Wellness - Paula D’Arcy
  9. Grief is a Journey: Finding Your Path Through Loss - Jan Peterson
  10. Disenfranchised Grief: Recognizing Hidden Sorrow - Ken Doka
  11. A Grace Disguised - Jerry Sittser

Any opinions are those of Financial Advisor, Tim Montfort, and not necessarily those of Raymond James. The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete, it is not a statement of all available data necessary for making a decision, and it does not constitute a recommendation. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice.

Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse the opinions or services of Darwin Huartson and Porter Loring.