New Year, New Me???

New Year, New Me??

Every year we hear the same thing from the same people, “New year, new me.” We’re inundated everywhere we turn, but what does it really mean, what’s a “new me” and how long does it take?

Typically self-improvement is on the top our minds when January 1st rolls around. Whether it be hitting the gym, traveling more, or getting your finances in order, more often than not our resolutions don’t last too long and we’re back where we started.

Obviously there is no one-size-fits-all figure, some habits are easier to form than others, and some people can develop new behaviors easier than others. It’s just how it is, however according to, 66 days seems to be the average.

66 days may seem like a long time, but the benefits of sticking it through and meeting your goal(s) can last a lifetime. For instance, say you want save more money?

Try this 52-Week Money Challenge:

Save $1 the first week of the New Year and increase your savings by $1 each week, by the last week of the year you will save $52 and have a grand total of $1,378.

This allows you to start off slow, reassess your needs vs wants and gives you a foundation for success.