Policy uncertainty weighed on markets in March
Turbulence is expected to continue until markets gain more clarity.
Markets & Investing
Can homeschooling and a full-time job co-exist?
Juggling schoolbooks and paychecks isn’t for the faint of heart, but can be a rewarding endeavor with the right expectations and support.
Family & Lifestyle

Unexpected tax bill? Avoid compromising your long-term plan
Surprised in spring by a tax bill you didn’t anticipate? Consider strategies for settling up without disrupting your longer-term financial progress.
Tax Planning
The dual benefits of non-cash donations
Maximize your philanthropic mission and minimize taxes.
Estate & Giving
Interest rate cuts remain likely in 2025
Despite the increase in policy uncertainty, the Federal Reserve held its forecast steady at the March FOMC meeting with two rate cuts projected in 2025.
Markets & Investing

Have you hired the right tax accountant?
Five signs you’ve chosen the right accountant; two signs that suggest proceeding with caution.
Tax Planning

529s are more than a college savings tool
These versatile savings accounts are a powerful estate planning vehicle.
Estate & Giving

Life-changing events change your taxes, too
Review how six major life events can impact your federal return..
Tax Planning
Despite recent volatility, we maintain our constructive outlook
Raymond James CIO Larry Adam reinforces that while volatility is never comfortable, it's an inherent part of the market's fabric.
Markets & Investing
Choosing the right charitable giving vehicle for your goals
Understand the differences between giving vehicles.
Estate & Giving
Mitigating surtaxes faced by high-income earners
Thoughtful, proactive planning can help high-earning taxpayers reduce their net investment income tax and additional Medicare tax bills.
Tax Planning